Before getting into the INFJ depression, it is important to know what INFJ stands for. The letters stand for a personality type that is introverted, intuitive, feeling, and judging according to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). This is an official personality test that is typically given by a professional who is certified to do so.

What Does An INFJ Personality Type Look Like?
Those with an INFJ personality typically look for meaning in relationships and ideas, try to understand what motivates others, have firm values, have a clear vision to serve the common good, and are decisive in performing their goal. We can break down each of the four parts of the INFJ personality to make it easier to understand.
The first in the introverted category, which means that you focus your attention on your inner world of impressions and ideas. Those who are introverted are more comfortable on their own, whether working or playing, and may feel uncomfortable in large crowds. Some see introversion as a sign of depression because those who are depressed tend to isolate themselves.
The intuition section means you are good at seeing things by feeling and can sense things that others may have missed. You tend to see patterns in the big picture and are more guided by your feelings than your brain at times. Rather than worrying about the facts and processes, you would rather seek meaning in what others feel.
In fact, the F in INFJ stands for feeling, which means that you make decisions that are based on your values and concerns about other people. You are subjective and follow your gut instincts rather than your brain. Rather than basing things on numbers and analyses, you would rather depend on feelings and intuition.
Judging has nothing to do with judgement. It is about how you plan things. If you are one who likes to make lists and plans, you are a judger. Those who are judging rather than perceiving have a planned and organized look at life. You want things to be settled and in order rather than flexible and spontaneous.
Stress And Depression In The INFJ Personality Type
People who have an INFJ personality type often have trouble dealing with stress or depression because they feel things more than others do. In other words, you are more empathetic. You do not like people to feel bad and will go out of your way to help anyone, even a stranger. But you are also sensitive to what others think about you.
You do not like criticism and negativity, conflict, or a lot of noise and drama. You may often find yourself trying to close yourself off from others if they are too extroverted or negative. In fact, you prefer being alone or having a small set of good friends and family rather than being the life of the party. You may even skip the party altogether.

Your Feelings Run Deeper Than Others
Because those with INFJ feel things so strongly, they are more prone to depression. Dwelling on how you feel or how others look at, you can cause a great deal of grief because you want others to like you. Being introverted, you would also rather be alone than with a group, so you feel overwhelmed if you have to be out in a crowd.
Those with INFJ personalities are the ones who cry during sad movies or go out of their way to help someone who looks like they need something. Hearing about someone else’s trauma can keep you up all night, and knowing that a friend or loved one needs you, you will get you up and out of bed in a hurry.
INFJs Are More Prone To Depression
However, this also means that you are more prone to depression because you feel things so deeply. As a person who likes to help those in trouble, you may often find yourself dealing with trauma and sadness rather than seeking out happiness. In your opinion, those who are happy are already happy, so they do not need your help. You would rather help those who need you.
Helping others deal with their problems can make you feel depressed as you tend to feel what others are feeling. The problem with this is that you do not like to ask for help because you would rather be the helper. You will suffer in silence, which is what makes depression even worse.
Being An Introvert
As an introvert, you often isolate yourself from everyone, so you do not have people to turn to as often as others do. Although you do have a close group of good friends and family, they are often the ones who seek your help rather than seeing you as the one who needs help. You may try to be strong and not show your weaknesses because you do not want anyone else to worry.
Being an introvert can just be part of a personality type, as much as any other characteristics.
Is Introversion A Personality Trait Or A Symptom?
But if your introversion is one of the symptoms of depression, you may not be introverted at all. As confusing as it is, if you suffer from clinical depression, your introversion may actually be a symptom rather than a personality type. There are actually two types of introversion: a personality trait and a symptom.
The personality trait of introversion was introduced by Carl Jung and is described as someone who is more comfortable being alone or in a small group rather than being in a large group. Introverts get their energy from quiet introspection but lose energy in a social situation. For some reason, the world tends to accept extroversion as a more acceptable trait and believes those who are introverted are not happy.
Symptoms Of Depression
The truth is, it could be either. You may be a natural introvert because it is your personality, or you may be isolating yourself because you are depressed. If you believe you may be an introvert because you are depressed, there are online depression tests you can take for free that only take a few minutes. Here are some of the symptoms of depression to help you figure it out:
- Feeling sad for more than two weeks for no obvious reason
- Chronic tiredness no matter how much you sleep
- Seeing yourself as hopeless, worthless, or feeling guilty
- You may wake up early for no reason or sleep more than usual
- Frequent restlessness or irritability are common
- You could have trouble making decisions or concentrating
- Losing interest in things you previously enjoyed is typical
- You may eat more or less than usual
- Crying for no reason may happen out of the blue
- Moving or speaking more slowly than usual
- You may have trouble with your memory
- Aches and pains are common
- Suicidal ideation or thoughts of death may be involved

What About Those Who Are INFP Depressed?
In other types of personality traits like INFP, depression may also be a factor. This personality type has all of the same personality traits, except the last one is perceiving rather than judging. That means you are more flexible and spontaneous, liking to keep your options open. The overall personality of someone who is typed as INFP includes:
- You are caring, empathetic, and sensitive
- You are a loyal friend and business partner
- You have high values and stick to them
- You make decisions based on feelings and values
- You focus on your own and others growth and development
- Worrying about others is second nature to you
Having most of the same traits as those who are INFJ, those with INFP personalities are just as likely to develop depression. Those deep feelings of empathy and sympathy make you vulnerable to other people’s troubles and tragedies.
INFPs tend to be more susceptible to depression than most other people because they do not know how to ask for help and will try to hide what they feel, so they do not bother others.
Talking To A Professional Can Help
For those who do have depression, as well as one of these sensitive and empathetic personality traits, you can get help online from a trained mental health professional rather than bothering one of your friends or loved ones. Being able to talk to a counselor or therapist online gives you the opportunity to get the treatment you need without having to leave your home. And you do not even need an appointment.
To find out more about your current depressive symptoms, take this is an online depression test.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Are INFJs likely to be depressed?
What do INFJs do when they are sad?
Are INFJs ever happy?
What makes INFJs sad?
What hurts INFJ the most?
What does a tired INFJ look like?
Do INFJs need lots of sleep?
Are INFJ night owls?
What is the INFJ aura?