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Perfectionism vs OCD: Clarifying Misconceptions

Reviewed by Rashonda Douthit, LCSW · December 07, 2020 · 8 min read

Many people out there don't have a clear understanding of what obsessive-compulsive disorder truly is. Many people assume that OCD is very similar to perfectionism. While it's easy to see why some people might draw comparisons between these two things, it's not right to say that perfectionism is the same as OCD.

OCD is a mental health condition that makes it challenging for many people to live their lives. Some perfectionism elements might get mixed in when someone is experiencing OCD symptoms, but that doesn't mean that the two are the same. You'll find that some people wrongly refer to OCD as an extreme type of perfectionism. This isn't a very accurate way to categorize OCD or what it's all about.

Sometimes this misconception comes about due to OCD symptoms that seem related to perfectionism somehow, but you'll learn how the two are different by reading on. You might have heard people throwing around the term OCD jokingly, which has led some not to take it as seriously as they should. By reading the information below, you should gain a much greater understanding of what OCD is and what it isn't.

Understanding OCD

Understanding OCD becomes a lot simpler when you take a look at people who have been diagnosed with the condition. OCD is generally defined as a mental health disorder where someone has unwanted urges or thoughts that cause anxiety. When someone has OCD, they will be compelled to do certain things. People with OCD might feel obligated to do different things than someone else. For instance, one individual with OCD might obsessively lock and unlock the doors to their home before they feel safe enough to leave. Another individual might fear germs and could obsessively wash their hands even if it causes them physical pain.

People with OCD often have compulsions that make it difficult to do things fast or live normally. Some OCD compulsions are harmless and won't impact things much, but others can be adamant about dealing with them. There are people with dangerous compulsions, and there are also people who feel the need to perform actions that make it hard for them to do things quickly. You might have heard that some people who have OCD feel the need to touch every item in a room before they leave the room. You can imagine how difficult this would make it for someone to go to various places.

It's also important to understand that people who have OCD know that they shouldn't need to do these things. For the most part, people who have OCD realize that there isn't a logical reason why they should need to perform these compulsive actions. However, when they don't complete the steps, it will make them feel an overwhelming sense of anxiety. This anxiety level can make it so that they will not be able to function or enjoy whatever they are trying to do.

Understanding Perfectionism

Perfectionism is different from OCD because it's more about feeling the need to do your very best. Some people who are considered perfectionists will have difficulty letting go of certain things before they think they are ready. A good example would be painting something and fine-tuning stuff because they want everything to be perfect. There might not be such a thing as perfection, which makes it challenging for people to ever truly feel like they have done enough.

You have to understand that perfectionism isn't the same as OCD, though. Someone who is a perfectionist might have the capacity to be diagnosed with OCD, but not all perfectionists are people with OCD. You can be a perfectionist and be the person who wants everything to turn out perfectly. This is something that can be very counterproductive in your personal life and professional life. When you're a perfectionist, turning things in on time can be challenging because you agonize over little details.

Think about a college student who is given a deadline for turning in an essay. This student might have difficulty submitting the article on time if they are a perfectionist. This could mean the student will try to hang onto the paper for as long as possible because they will make it perfect. Sometimes this causes students to miss deadlines because they worry too much about making things turn outright. It would be better to turn the essay in on time, but perfectionism sometimes keeps people from doing this.

Perfectionism can also harm your work life, and it makes sense that you would struggle with time issues if you're a perfectionist. In the professional world, people need to get things done efficiently. It isn't always about turning something as close to perfection as possible. It's about keeping things moving while ensuring that your work's quality is acceptable.

This doesn't mean that doing a good job doesn't matter, but it does mean that perfectionism can be a detriment. Perfectionism can keep people from being able to meet the standards that are being set. This is why many people have to curb their perfectionist tendencies. If you consider yourself a perfectionist, you probably already know it can be challenging to feel like something is good enough. However, you also likely know you must let go of those feelings to get things turned in on time.

OCD Is A Much Bigger Issue Than Perfectionism

OCD is undoubtedly a much bigger issue than perfectionism, and those diagnosed with OCD often need help coping with the condition. There are many ways to treat OCD, making managing the situation much more accessible. This doesn't mean that OCD symptoms will suddenly disappear, but it can make it easier to live your life more normally. Many people diagnosed with OCD will start taking medications to help. Many patients respond well to SSRI medications, but this isn't the right solution for everyone with OCD.

You'll also find that various forms of psychotherapy are being used to treat OCD patients worldwide. Therapy is considered to be very helpful for people who are trying to cope with OCD. Different therapy methods have proven effective for people, and the type of therapy that might work for you if you have OCD depends on the situation. Generally, you'll need to work with a therapist and your doctor to determine the best path forward, and you'll start going through therapy options based on that.

Exposure therapy has worked well for some people, involving exposure to something that causes you anxiety. For instance, someone with OCD might feel anxious when they don't touch the doorknob a certain number of times when leaving or entering a room. Exposure therapy could involve having someone enter a room with no doorknob or making it so they can't do what they are usually compelled to do. Over time, someone might feel differently about this action due to prolonged exposure. They might see that nothing terrible occurs despite their anxiety when they don't follow through with their compulsion.

Another therapy method that is commonly used to treat OCD is behavioral training. Certain types of therapy are designed to change the ways that people behave. You might be able to change how you react to a situation or act based on your time in therapy. Sometimes this will involve learning to come up with competing responses to combat the compulsions that you experience. It can also affect social support, positive reinforcement, and relaxation-based coping mechanisms. How your therapist will try to help you alter your behaviors will vary, but this has proven helpful for many people with OCD.

If you're feeling anxious about OCD symptoms, then you might want to take an anxiety test to determine how bad things are. Always know that you can speak to your doctor about any issues. It can take time and patience to get OCD symptoms under control. You don't have to feel like you're facing these issues alone, and it'll be better to work with professionals who care about your well-being.

Now that you know more about OCD, it should be pretty easy to tell that perfectionism is different. It's not impossible for someone who is a perfectionist also to have OCD, but the two things aren't the same. That being said, sometimes it can be beneficial to go to therapy if you're struggling with being a perfectionist, too. You might be able to get help with altering the way that you think about things. Treatment helps many people, and you can get assistance whether you have OCD or feel that being a perfectionist makes your life more challenging in some ways.

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