Anxiety Test
Do you often feel nervous? Feel physical symptoms in certain triggering scenarios, including increased heart rate, chills? Have you experienced panic attacks? Each of these symptoms and more may be signs of a developing mental disorder. However, you are not alone, 18.1% of the US population is facing an anxiety disorder and treatment is out there.
Anxiety is a feeling of fear, worry, and/or tension. In potentially dangerous scenarios, it is a crucial reaction for human survival. It's the natural bodily reaction to stress, or the "fight-or-flight" reaction, and can help you avoid dangers like an oncoming car or a fall from a great height. It can also cause physical symptoms, such as raised blood pressure, sweating, and shortness of breath. Each of these emotional responses are valid and can happen to anyone, this anxiety quiz will identify how often you may experience them.
Occasional feelings of fear or nervousness are normal emotions that everyone experiences. For instance, you may feel nervous before an important interview, speaking in front of an audience, or a first day of school. However, excessive levels of nervousness can negatively impact your quality of life. This online quiz aims to find those excessive levels.
These disorders are the most prevalent emotional disorder among patients today. A range of these disorders exist, though all are characterized by feelings of nervousness that are lasting, intense, and interfere with your day-to-day life. People can develop mental disorders at any age and women are affected by them more commonly than men.
Left untreated, disorders generally become worse. In severe cases, symptoms can prevent individuals from carrying out their regular activities and even from leaving the house. But, with proper treatment, people with any symptoms or feelings of anxiousness can manage their symptoms and lead regular lives.
Anxiety Test: Anxiety Test Information
Anxiousness tests one's ability to cope with certain situations, and it can present itself in a variety of situations. This online quiz will identify potential symptoms of this disorder through a questionnaire and recommend treatments and further diagnosis of the symptoms you are experiencing. After the anxiety quiz, speaking to a licensed professional about the questionnaire will help skill you with the necessary tools to cope with symptoms you have identified.
Regardless of the mental illness or mental health disorder you may be facing, there are resources for you to improve your quality of life and cultivate an overall feeling of wellness. Don't hesitate to reach out for the help you need and deserve, regardless of what you may be confronted with.